pawaPay Privacy Notice for Prospective Employees

This privacy notice describes what personal data is processed by Payments Techco OÜ, Pawapay UK Ltd., and its affiliates (hereinafter pawaPay) in regard to job applicants, potential candidates for employment, and selection procedures in view of potential recruitment at pawaPay. It describes the information we collect, what we do with it and our reason for processing it, with whom we share it, how long we store it, and what rights and obligations you as an applicant have.

pawaPay's information and contact details:


Payments Techco OÜ

Estonian registry code: 16149460

Address: Rotermanni tn 6, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia

Telephone: +372 5330 7331

United Kingdom:

Pawapay UK Ltd.

VAT: 349081193

Address: Routeco Office Park Davy Avenue Milton Keynes MK5 8HJ, United Kingdom

Contact our Legal & Compliance department at:

What Information do we collect?

Personal data that we collect directly from you

This Privacy Notice covers any candidate data that is collected by pawaPay for the recruitment process. This may include but is not limited to the following information:

  • Your name (first and last name), contact details and candidate status.
  • Information included in your CV or cover letter, such as employment history, academic background, skills and competencies, personal interests, and languages spoken.
  • Job preferences and type of employment sought and willingness to relocate.
  • Names and contact details of referees. As we may contact referees,  please note that it is your responsibility to notify, and obtain consent, from your referees prior to providing us their personal information.
  • Current and historic salary details together with salary expectations.
    pawaPay Group may, subject to your consent, collect data from third parties, in order to conduct employment background check, to the extent this is permitted by the applicable law

During the recruitment process we might ask you to complete tests, or personality profile questionnaires, and/or to attend an interview – or a combination of these. Information will be generated by you and by us. For example, you might complete a written test, or we might take interview notes.

The data collected from you is voluntary and is not based on a statutory or contractual obligation to provide the personal data.

Personal data we collect from other sources

We may publish job openings on occupational platforms, and we may also find you based on your availability and profile settings in the same. In the event you apply for an opening at pawaPay through an application function on an occupational platform or similar online service provider (“Partner”), it is important to note that the relevant Partner may retain your personal data and may also collect data from pawaPay in respect of the progress of your application.

We may also receive your personal data from a third party who recommends you, or informs us of your eligibility, as a candidate for a specific opening or for our business more generally.

Tests or personality profile questionnaires, attending an interview – or a combination of these will result in personal data generated by you and us and potentially a third in the event that there is third party involvement. Any use by a Partner of your data will be in accordance with the Partner’s Privacy Notice and subject to the terms and conditions between you and Partner on one hand, and pawaPay and Partner on the other.

Automated processing

We do not use any automated decision making in recruitment. There is a human intermediary in each processing activity even in the event that we use third party recruitment tools with certain automated features.

Why do we process personal data?

Your personal data is processed for the purposes of managing pawaPay’s recruitment related activities. Consequently, pawaPay may use personal data in relation to the evaluation and selection of applicants as needed in the recruitment process. In particular, your data is processed for the following purposes:

  • Identifying potential candidates for open or future positions;
  • determining your qualifications for employment and reaching a recruitment decision;
  • evaluating your suitability for other employment vacancies;
  • verifying the data you submit through referees;
  • conducting background checks (in this case we will ask for your prior consent);
  • informing you, via e-mail, phone or otherwise about the progress of your application for employment with pawaPay;
  • protecting our rights and fulfilling our legal obligations; and
  • informing you, via e-mail, phone or otherwise about other local or global vacancies at pawaPay that we consider you suitable to make an application of employment for;
  • Enhance information that pawaPay receives from you with information obtained from third party data providers.

Should your application for employment be successful, your personal data submitted for hiring purposes may be processed for the necessary employment purposes and included in your employment file.

If pawaPay does not employ you, pawaPay may (subject to your freely given consent) nevertheless continue to retain and use your personal data collected during the recruitment process in order to consider you for new positions.

Who has access to your data?

Only selected employees of pawaPay, such as People Operations and the recruitment team, interviewers involved in the recruitment process, management team members, and Managers in a business area with a vacancy have access to your personal data. Except as set out in this policy or as required by law, your personal data will not be supplied to any third party without your explicit authorization.

Since we are a remote team and some of our team members are working outside of the EU (including Africa), then in case they are in one of the above mentioned roles for the purposes of recruitment, then your information may be shared with them. All members of pawaPay team have sensitized on data protection and may process your personal data only in case it is required for the recruitment purposes and in accordance with this Privacy Notice for Prospective Employees.

How do we protect your data?

We take the security of your data seriously. We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a lawful need to know. They will only process your personal information on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.

For how long do we keep data?

If your application for employment is unsuccessful, we will hold your data on file for 2 years after the end of the relevant recruitment process. After this period, we will securely destroy your personal information.

In addition to using your data for the position for which you have applied, pawaPay may retain and use your application data to consider you for other positions, but for a maximum period of 2 years. If after this period, we feel it necessary to retain your records, we will write to you.

If your application for employment is successful, personal data gathered during the recruitment process will be transferred to your personnel file. The data will be stored for at least the duration of your employment or longer in case required by the local laws and legislations.

Your rights

You have the following rights under the GDPR, subject to the applicable statutory limitations:

  • request access to information that pawaPay holds about you;
  • request a correction of information that pawaPay has about you;
  • request the erasure of information that pawaPay has about you;
  • restrict the use of your personal data;
  • receive your personal data;
  • object to the processing of your personal data;
  • withdraw your consent for the use of your personal data;
  • file a complaint about our processing with a supervisory authority.

GDPR also gives you the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the EU/EEA state where you work, normally live or where any alleged infringement of data protection laws may have occurred.

Please contact us on the details above if you have any questions about pawaPay’s Privacy Policy for Prospective Employees or its processing of your personal data.

What if you do not provide personal data?

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide data to us during the recruitment process. However, if you do not provide the information, we may not be able to process your application properly or at all.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to update this privacy notice at any time.

If you have any questions about this privacy notice, please contact our Legal & Compliance department.