Our African registered entities (called, Payment Providers) play a significant role in offering our solution, and are responsible for carrying out the payment processing aspect of our services. Our current Payment Providers able to offer our solution in country are, in;
Benin, Kerry Payments Benin SARLU;
Burkina Faso, Kerry Payments Burkina Faso SARLU;
Cameroon, Kerry Payments SARLU;
Congo Brazzaville, Kerry Payments Brazzaville;
The Democratic Republic of Congo - Kerry Payments RDC SARLU;
Ghana, Quidexplus Limited;
Guinea Bissau, Kerry Payments Guinea Bissau;
Guinea Conakry, Kerry Payments Guinea Conakry SARLU;
The Ivory Coast, Kerry Payments Côte d’Ivoire;
Kenya - Quidexplus Kenya Limited;
Lesotho, Quidexplus Lesotho Limited;
Malawi, Atlas Digital Limited;
Mali, Kerry Payments Mali SARLU;
Nigeria, Quickserve Digital Limited;
Rwanda, Quidexplus Rwanda Limited;
Senegal, Kerry Payments Senegal SUARL;
Sierra Leone, Kerry Payments SL Limited;
South Africa, Quidexplus South Africa Limited;
Tanzania, Madina-Tech Group Limited;
Uganda - Quidexplus Uganda Limited; and
Zambia, Smartpay Solutions Limited.
Our European Registered entities include:
Estonia, Payments Techco OU;
Isle of Man, Pawa P Holdings Limited; and
United Kingdom, pawaPay UK Limited.